Monday, March 5, 2012

Why Outsource?

Dreamcatcher Books is suffering growing pains. With two titles coming out this year and three titles planned for next year--the art department and the editing department (consisting of me and my friends) will soon be unduly strained.

Dreamcatcher's star author (okay, only author) can't produce when she's trying to learn photoshop and look up how to punctuate texting in fiction. She needs to stop trying on hats and create more books because nobody at Dreamcatcher is getting paid!

Okay, I'm done scolding my overworked author. It's not her fault. She needs a team behind her. I am building that team. I realize that my friends can't be asked over and over again to help Dreamcatcher produce books. It's time to invest in my company.

I hired a fiction copy editor, Mr. Neal Hock of Hock's Editing Services. He copy edited a 1500 word sample for me. Based on that, I hired him. He's fast, professional, knowledgeable, reasonable, approachable and good at what he does.

Tracy Goodman, also a professional editor, remains Dreamcatcher's content editor (and my good friend!)

I'm in the preliminary stages of hiring a talented graphic designer for my book covers (TBA). Whether I'm using Salina's art or designing a cover from scratch--my covers are better served by a professional. The fonts, colors and graphics I chose for The Pet Washer are amateur. I'm smart enough to know that but not knowledgeable enough to fix it.

When I applied for the Alumni Leadership Scholarship at Berkeley, I was asked to write an essay. The topic was on what makes me a good leader? My answer was, in short, "I am a good leader because I know when not to lead." Only a creative writer could win a scholarship by avoiding the question! But it's true--a good leader knows when to follow. An incompetent leader doesn't know when to let go. 

I am well-aware of my failings. I will lead Dreamcather Books by outsourcing to experts! I am short of coin but I believe these investments will pay off in the long run. This is a marathon. I can wait.

In the meantime, I am building my dream team. This is a we project, not a wee project! (Beth Moore)

To Do: Review book covers on Amazon in your genre--how does your cover stack up? Ask a friend to peruse your book for errors. If they find errors, consider hiring a proofreader if not a copy editor. Here's a question--who published The Hunger Games? I'm asking because I don't know and I'm a fan of the series. Readers don't care about the publisher! Readers care about a hot cover, proper grammar and a good story. Can you do it all? If not, select your dream team. A good leader knows when not to lead!

Jennifer Lynn Alvarez
author of The Pet Washer
a novel for girls aged 9-12

1 comment:

  1. Very Wise, Jennifer. I've run my own business for 10 years and have yet to regret a single out-sourcing decision. But oh do I regret some of the times I decided to "do it myself"!


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