Saturday, March 3, 2012

Day 55--Book Blogs: A Welcome Site for Authors

I joined Book Blogs based on Shannon Yarbrough's recommendation in his guest post. I have been pleased with the helpfulness and professionalism of its members.

I used to think of myself as a "Lone Writer". I am realizing the benefits of the internet when it comes to networking with authors, publishers, copy editors, cover designers and book reviewers. While fiction writing may not be a vibrant industry in my small town, it is a living, breathing community on the internet.

I like networking on Book Blogs because of the respect that the members hold for each other. I've been on other sites where writer's get into full on fights about minutia. I'm not looking for a community where I have to walk on eggshells and egos are made of glass.

I think any site that has strict moderators offers this level of respect which enhances communication. There is forgiveness at Book Blogs for newbies and silly questions. I like that. I find that people don't comment unless they have useful information or encouraging words.

This has been my experience. No site that allows humans participation is going to be perfect. I recommend Book Blogs for authors looking to network and gain useful advice.

This is Book Blogs description of itself:
  • Welcome to Book Blogs! Our members read books, blog books, write books, and publicize books. Contact us at bookblogsonning at gmail dot com.   
To Do: If you haven't already, join Book Blogs and meet new peers!

Jennifer Lynn Alvarez
author of The Pet Washer
a novel for girls aged 9-12

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