Thursday, January 19, 2012

Being Coachable

Yesterday I did the research, today I implemented what I learned.

I'm still feeling grateful for the advice I got on the Kindle Direct Publishing community forum. I have a lot of friends, but not a lot of author friends. I also know that I'm not objective about my work. It was a treat for me to hear other writer's opinions (even when they stung a bit). My original blurb was decent enough. It wasn't embarrassing (I hope), but it didn't do enough to interest strangers who are objective.

When I started the book, Polly was going to be the most important character but Cianna stole the show. Cianna remains at the center of all the adventures in book two and three, but none of the books are really about Cianna alone--they are about the people around her. She is the sun.

My first blurb focused on Cianna but the character with the problem is Polly. So I re-wrote the blurb from Polly's point of view. I think it says more about what actually happens in the book. Here is the new blurb. Word of caution--I write, and re-write and re-write and re-write--so don't be surprised if this ends up changing a thousand time--always know that about me!! I love my blogs because I don't re-write them. They spring out of my head, fully-formed, like Venus! (not always that pretty though). 

     "Polly doesn’t realize she’s spoiled. She’s used to owning the finest dresses, the fastest horses, living in the largest castle, and having the prettiest friends.
     Each year, Polly choreographs a dance performance for the Spring Festival. When one of her dancers comes down with the pox, Polly only has two weeks to meet a new friend and teach her the steps.
     Polly discovers Cianna--a hard working pet washer at the Royal Pet Palace and Day Spa. She introduces the local girl to her lavish lifestyle but Cianna is not impressed.
     As the two girls prepare for the Spring Festival, their differences lead to disaster for one and triumph for the other.
     Set amidst the glamor of royalty, the innocence of a small town, and the excitement of spring break—The Pet Washer is an imaginative tale about two unlikely friends overcoming their differences."

I don't know if it's because of the new description or not--but I sold a book today! I will add that lots of authors in the forum are experiencing slow sales this month. I suspect it's partly an after-Christmas spending freeze. A lot of authors believe it's the new Kindle Select lending library and free book giveaways. Kindle owners just loaded up on free books and they probably won't buy more until they finish reading what they have. I did not sell a kindle book today, it was a paperback.  

I also changed the kindle price again. I did not go back up to $5.99 but I did go up from $3.99 to $4.99. $3.99 felt cheap and I don't care for odd numbers so I changed it. Pretty simple and pretty dumb marketing strategy but, sometimes, you just have to do what feels right for no other reason than that.

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