Tuesday, January 22, 2013

We Have to Laugh at Ourselves!

I didn't know what a tumbler was two months ago--now I love them! There is a tumbler about the author life that makes me laugh out loud.

Even though I have a team of supporters, the truth is I write alone in my little cell, I mean office, for hours on end! My team loves books but only a few of them are actually writers. Only a writer gets the writer life which looks so boring on the outside, but is so emotional on the inside! Humor breaks the tension and lets me know I'm not alone.

So this is the tumbler I follow and I hope you enjoy it too. Even though some of these are a bit mean, they still crack me up! Surely they aren't talking about me or you, right? Ha ha, well, either way, it's healthy to laugh, especially at ourselves! Enjoy!

Also follow @authorlifeblog on Twitter, #authorlife

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