Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Content Editor: How Your Book Could Die Without One

I got my YA book back from my content editor (and friend) last night. Tomorrow, the manuscript goes to my copyeditor. This has left me with one day to make the suggested changes to my novel.

There is nothing like a deadline to motivate a writer! However, the news my content editor gave me was devastating. She didn't like my main character.

You could have knocked me over with a feather.

We spoke for over an hour about Leah French, my pissed-off, undead teen. All of the angst came across but not enough of the inner girl. She wasn't sympathetic.

The good news is that my friend liked the story and, other than some choppy sentences, she was fine with the writing. She also wants to know how it ends.

She was afraid to tell me the news, but she was brave enough to do it and I was brave enough to hear it. We have to face criticism face first. I questioned her at length and realized the problem. I write my first drafts fast. My goal is to lay down the bones of my story first, then I flesh them out. She was reading an early draft, with little flesh on it.

Anyway, I love Leah French and I never expected this news. The reason to use a content editor is to see if you're communicating what you intend to communicate. I know more about Leah than I wrote about her. The things that make her loveable were still in my head, not on the paper. If people don't like Leah, my book is deader than she is.

I couldn't see it, just like I can't always see missing words or typos. I have spent this entire day editing the book. It's 73,000 words. I started at 7am. It is now 8:45pm. I have seven chapters left to edit. Praise God, two of them are short.

The timing is unfortunate but it's kind of nice to read and edit my book in one sitting. I have combed through every page, fleshing out my girl and supporting characters and teasing up the plot. Fun as it is, I can't wait to unload this baby on my copyeditor tomorrow and have a break!

To Do: Seek EYES for your manuscript! You don't know what you aren't seeing!

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