Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Day 79--The Best Blog You're Not Following

Before I tell you why I follow ProBlogger, please allow me to explain the story behind the title I chose for this post. 

Do you remember the television show, Party of Five? It had loyal followers, but not many of them. In 1995, TV Guide named it "The Best Show You're Not Watching". This was when I became aware of the show and starting watching it, along with many others. It ended up winning the Golden Globe Award for Best Drama in 1996. The rest is history.

The show was good, but TV Guide's article was genius. Everyone wanted to know, what's the best show I'm not watching? Weren't you curious when you read my title? That article put Party of Five on the map. I've wanted to use a title like that for a long time and today, I chose to apply it to this post.   

Now I'm not insinuating ProBlogger needs my help to get on the map. It's already an icon in the blogging industry. However, most of my readers are fiction authors like me, and I don't hear a lot of chatter about ProBlogger in the author communities to which I belong.  

ProBlogger is just that, a blog about professional blogging. If you're not a pro blogger, you may wonder how this blog can help you.

As a fiction author and a blogger, ProBlogger has become the source I rely upon the most. Not for networking, but for business and marketing management. I have quantifiable success with the tips I glean from ProBlogger. These tips help me with my books, my brand, my own blog, growing my fan base, my productivity, my marketing, my email newsletters, networking and the whole business of being me.

ProBlogger's founder, Darren Rowse, practices what he preaches. ProBlogger itself is an exemplary example of how a professional blog should look and read. It's clean, organized, helpful and relevant. The advertising is not obnoxious. The fan base is large. Its reputation in the blogging community is stellar.

While there are many guest posters, they follow the founder's writing style and quick-scan format. You will never waste your time on ProBlogger reading superfluous words. Posts are as short as they can be while delivering executable, clear steps to the reader.  

Best of all, ProBlogger is free. Nothing is asked of me at ProBlogger. I'm not spammed and no one harps on me to buy their product. I don't have to subscribe to read it, but I do subscribe for the ease of automatic post delivery. ProBlogger doesn't use gimmicks. Bloggers flock to the site because it helps them. It's the real deal.
ProBlogger has opened my eyes to the layers of opportunities that exist online. I have a hard time keeping up with all the tips I want to apply to marketing my book and my brand. I'm not just a reader, I'm a fan.

To Do: Start following ProBlogger! If you already follow ProBlogger, please link to a post that has helped you in the comment form below!

Jennifer Lynn Alvarez
author of The Pet Washer
a novel for children aged 6 and up
"When a princess befriends a pet washer, their worlds collide in unexpected ways!"


1 comment:

  1. I will start. Yesterday, when I wrote about Pinterest, I linked to the following post on ProBlogger...



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