Friday, February 24, 2012

Six Steps for a Successful School Speaking Presentation

Six Steps for a Successful School Speaking Presentation
by Molly Snow 

When I was twenty, I worked for a world-renowned speaker who was paid to motivate business men and women in audiences of hundreds or thousands. I considered her to be pretty fearless. I had only given an occasional talk in class or church. It was nothing in comparison to what she was doing. After I worked as her personal assistant for a while, I spring boarded off on my own adventures. I, too, wanted to be an author. I, too, wanted to be a speaker.  I had no idea that both those opportunities were just around the corner. This post is to share with you what I have learned about speaking in front of large crowds.

After I self-published my first novella, BeSwitched, I did a signing at a local book store. There I was approached to speak at a local elementary school. Of course, when I was offered to speak and for money, I didn’t hesitate to accept. Even though I had no experience with giving assembly presentations to hundreds of kids, I knew that since the opportunity came my way, then I must be ready or I would make myself ready.

What happened at first was a feeling of disbelief and having gotten myself in over my head. How would I suddenly become a speaker? I could communicate with people well enough, to the point that I could even story-tell, but how was I to keep the attention of my audience--which would consist of hundreds of children?

If you’ve read anything on marketing whatsoever, then I am sure you have come across the first rule—“Know your audience.” I knew my audience, I thought, but did I really? It had been quite some time since I was a child. I did my best to place myself in their shoes. I remembered back to when I was a kid. What books were my favorites? What did my journal say about meeting an author for the first time? I started to dig into my history, even finding a poem I had written when I was in the 5th grade about my dream to one day be an author. 

Author/Speaker, Molly Snow

I then wrote down ideas of what I could share that would involve my audience’s participation, even if it meant just getting them to raise their hands, or close their eyes in imagination. What could I teach them? What exercises could we do together? Eventually, I was able to outline a basic construct of my assembly presentation into parts. 

I’ve laid out the 6 steps of my successful school assembly presentation for you:
  1. Getting to know you time. Share what you were doing at their age or in their position? How do you relate to them through your assigned topic?
  2. Talk about your book and read an excerpt.
  3. Teach them something.
  4. Do an exercise to motivate. (You can use Powerpoint, an overhead projector, music, and so forth. The important part is to try and get quite a few, if not all, the audience involved.)
  5. Have them accomplish something with you.
  6. Wrap up with Q&A time.

Remember that you can turn your nervousness into excitement. Use that energy to share your happiness with your audience. Always look glad and grateful for the opportunity. Thank the audience and those who booked you. Be an example to those who want to one day be in your shoes. And lastly, you don’t have to be perfect, because nobody is perfect. If you taught your audience something new and brought them a sense of excitement for their future, then that’s good enough.

Inspired Students!
After your first speaking engagement, don’t be surprised if you are invited or referred to other speaking engagements. Be ready for these moments. Put on your website and business card that you are a speaker. Actively promote yourself to other businesses or schools who may not know of you and your speaking experience. Since my first speaking engagement, I have been invited to over a dozen more. Relish the moments.

Speaker Molly Snow is the author of The BeSwitched Series and Founder of Breezy Reads. She grew up in the Bay Area, is married to her high school crush and has a set of silly twin toddlers. Learn more about her at

To purchase Molly Snow's Books click on the photos below!

Thank you, Jennifer, for having me.

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