Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Unrecognized Benefit of Print-On-Demand Publishing

The Unrecognized Benefit of Print-On-Demand Publishing

Print On Demand (POD) publishing is a green industry. With POD publishing, there are no unwanted  books.  In the past, self-published authors were required to print a run of hundreds to thousands of books from vanity publishers. Most of these books ended up stored in garages or warehouses and were never sold. POD publishing eliminates that.

With the advent of online book retailers like Amazon and Barnes & Noble, authors can showcase their books without stocking them. Each book is crafted and shipped to readers upon purchase. This publishing process reduces the self-published author’s up front expenses which, in turn, increases profits.

There are many reasons for an author to self-publish with a POD publisher such as CreateSoace or Lulu.
  • High royalty percentage
  • Ownership of all publishing rights
  • Retain 100% creative control of content and artwork
  • Publish now versus waiting years for a traditional publisher
  • Zero to low up-front expenses
But perhaps the most unrecognized benefit to POD publishing is the environmental benefit. POD publishing is friendly to our planet. If you are considering self-publishing your first book or your next book, consider choosing a POD publisher.

For more information about self-publishing and book marketing, please visit The Jennifer (Author) Diaries Book Marketing Blog.

"POD Publishing is friendly to our planet."

Jennifer Lynn Alvarez graduated from U.C. Berkeley with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Literature. She is the author of The Jennifer (Author) Diaries, a book marketing blog, and The Pet Washer, a novel for girls aged 9-12.

About Day 49--Yesterday, on Day 48, I wrote about free press releases as a way to gain exposure. Authors can issue press releases to announce new books or report high sales, to promote their events and to legitimize themselves as experts in their field. Expert might be a strong statement for me--but the press release above is one I wrote about my industry. I tied POD publishing to environmental issues, crafted an enticing title and wallah--I created news!

On Day 49--I'm promoting myself by reporting on my own news! It's getting a lot of "hits" at

To Do: Either create news with your own press release or report on news to draw traffic to your blog. The free press release site works both ways!

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