Friday, February 10, 2012

Day 33--How to Alleviate Computer Eye Pain!

I am editing my second novel, blogging, returning emails and otherwise engaged on the computer for hours per day. My eyes hurt, I get headaches and I suffer from upper body tension. I've been putting up with this for awhile. Last night I had to walk away from the computer because it became too painful to look at any longer.

This is unacceptable! I can't go on like this. If we're going to make it as authors and bloggers, we have to be able to work without the pain. The computer needs to remain my friend. I searched the net for tips on what to do and I'm going to share what I learned with you.

  • I turned down the brightness on my screen. If you pull up a blank page in Word and it's glowing, it's too bright! 
  • I reduced the glare on my screen using a shade on my window. 
  • I don't have overhead fluorescent lights but I read they are not good for your eyes.
  • Blue is not a comfortable color to look at due to it's short wavelength. I went to my control panel, then to Display, and changed my Windows theme from blue to olive green. 
  • Under display settings, I also increased the font size to Large.
  • I'm following the "20-20-20" rule. I look away from the screen every 20 minutes at something at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This reduces eye strain in a big way!!
  • I'm getting up every thirty minutes to stretch, which helps with the upper body tension. 
  • I already have an LCD display. If you don't, get one! It's easier on the eyes.
  • I am trying to blink more often! 
  • I've added a copy stand next to my monitor for when I'm working off of written notes. It reduces the strain of constantly re-focusing my eyes from the screen to my desktop.
  • There are computer glasses which can be purchased but I'm not getting those at this time.
  • Ergonomic furniture is a plus but I'm stuck with what I've got.
I've noticed a large reduction in my eye strain already. Our greatest asset is ourselves. Our work cannot be accomplished without a computer. Sometimes, promoting oneself means taking care of oneself so that the work can go on...

Jennifer Lynn Alvarez
Author of The Pet Washer
a book for girls aged 9-12

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