Thursday, July 30, 2015

Focus on Fans: Riley Packer, Age 11

I've decided to periodically feature Guardian Herd readers on my website. These are kids or adults who've contacted me to share something amazing they've done to show their appreciation for the Guardian Herd books or characters!

My first subject is Riley Packer. She created a Guardian Herd diorama and entered it into a 4-H fair, winning first place! I was so impressed, I asked to interview her. Riley agreed (with her mom's approval of course).

And now introducing: Riley Packer...

Riley Packer with her dog, Jinger
Riley Packer is a 6th grader living in Erie, IL. She loves horses, dogs, reading, art and gymnastics. Her favorite books are from the fantasy genre including The Guardian Herd series, The Land of Stories series and the Harry Potter series. She has one younger brother and one younger sister and one pet, a yorkie named Jinger.

She is on a gymnastics team that practices twice a week and a member of her local 4-H club and church youth group. She has always liked to write stories. Even before she could spell, she would tell her mom her stories to write down and Riley would draw the illustrations. Every year in elementary school Riley sent a story to her local PBS Kids Writers Contest and in second grade she won first place for her story. Her hobbies include reading, drawing and playing with her siblings, cousins and friends.

Interview between Jennifer Lynn Alvarez and Riley Packer

Jennifer: It's great to chat with you on my website today, Riley! I was so impressed to learn that you created a 4-H diorama based on a scene from the Guardian Herd series. How long have you been involved in 4-H and what is your favorite thing about being a member?

Riley: I have been involved with 4-H for two years. We meet once a month and end the year with the 4-H Fair where we show our projects and get awards and ribbons for our hard work. My favorite thing about 4-H is working on the visual arts projects where I get to draw, paint, or make crafty projects. I also like seeing everyone else's projects displayed at the fair.

Jennifer: Tell us more about this fantastic 4-H project along with how and where you presented it?

Guardian Herd 4-H Diorama
Riley: This year I decided to make a diorama from my favorite scene from the Guardian Herd series. I drew Snakewing, Spiderwing, Star, and a Jungle Herd pegasus, and I attached them to fishing line so it looked like they were flying. I also had Crabwing sitting inside the cave on a rock next to Star's seaweed bed. I presented my project at the Whiteside County 4-H Fair.

When presenting projects you talk about your project to a judge and tell them what you made and how and why you made it. They ask questions about the project like why you chose this scene or why you chose the book, how long it took to make, what would you do differently if you could and things like that. Later that day I went back and was so excited to see that I had received a blue first place ribbon for my diorama.
A Scene from The Guardian Herd Book Series
Jennifer: What made you choose this scene from the Guardian Herd series, book one?

Riley: I chose this scene because it was when Star finally flew for the first time in his life. It was my favorite scene because it was really exciting when I read that chapter. Finally, Star was considered a pegasus and not a dud.

Jennifer: How did you feel when you won first place? You look pretty happy in the photo?

Riley: I was really excited because I had worked a lot on that project. It was my first time making a diorama and it was my favorite project that I had brought to the fair this year.

Riley and her First Place Ribbon

Jennifer: Do you have a favorite Guardian Herd character? If so, who is it and what do you like about this character?

Riley: There are so many great characters to choose from but I think my favorite would be Morningleaf because she is not afraid to protect Star no matter what it costs. She would even die for him. She is such a good role model to look up to even if she is just an animal. She follows her heart.

Jennifer: If you could live in the Guardian Herd book series, which herd would be yours?

Riley: If I could live in any herd I would like to be in Sun Herd because I would like to meet Star and become his friend and friends with all the others in Sun Herd. It's also really cool that it's the birthplace of his mother who is a legend.

Jennifer: And lastly, if you were the leader of Sun Herd, would you choose to protect Star, or to end his life on the chance that he might become a destroyer?

Riley: I would definitely protect Star and help him by convincing the other pegesi that if they believe in him he could become a healer.

Jennifer: Riley, it's been my pleasure to interview you today. You're an impressive young lady and I wish you the best with your future. May you fly high and far!

Riley the Horse Lover!
If you've done something amazing to show your appreciation for the Guardian Herd series, please email me the details at jenniferdiaries [at] gmail [dot] com.

Riley's Fan Art

The Guardian Herd Book Series is about five herds of flying horses who are at war over a special black pegasus foal named Star. This foal will inherit the power to unite or destroy the herds, and the leaders will take no risks. They decide to execute Star before he becomes too powerful to control, and Star must rely on a wingful of supporters to survive.  

Book One
Book Two
Book Three

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