Monday, April 9, 2012

Five Steps To Building An Author Brand

The American Marketing Association defines a brand as a "Name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that defines one seller's good or service as distinct from those of other sellers."

I thought my book covers and titles were my brand. Now that I'm in the "book marketing" business, I know that's not the whole story.

My author brand is Jennifer Lynn Alvarez, and my blogger brand is Jennifer Diaries. I write three blogs, The Jennifer Diaries, The Jennifer (Recession) Diaries and The Jennifer (Author) Diaries. It would have been silly of me to give my blogs completely different names. These titles link them together and link them all back to me, Jennifer.

My goal as an author, no matter how many books I write, is to have a cohesive brand that ties everything together and back to me. This is how to grow a platform. Everything I do online points back to my books or blogs and vice versa. Here are the steps I've taken to build my brand.

Five Steps To Building An Author Brand

  • Author photo--choose one and use it for EVERYTHING (all social accounts, forums, blogs, book jackets)
  • Pen Name--choose one and publish all titles under it. 
  • Personality--know who you are and let your individuality shine
  • Custom URL--don't take the free URL's, buy one that is your pen name (or book title)
  • Repetition--don't go online or create marketing materials without your brand name and image
Caveats--you may want a separate pen name if your genres are incompatible i.e.erotica and children's picture books. In this case, create two brands. Also, my personal Facebook page is exempt. Brands are a public image, they are not something I have to keep up in my social life.

Why is it important? There are a million vampire books, paranormal romances, dystopian worlds, mysteries and zombie apocalypses. When readers know who you are (and like you), they will be waiting for the next book by YOU. They will buy it based on your other books. Make yourself easy to identify with, easy to find and easy to recognize. It's even more important for indie authors with small budgets.

If you're camera shy, or just plain shy--get creative. If all you do is write a series about one character--be that character. You can establish Twitter and Facebook accounts and websites under the character's name.

If you don't like the way you look, your author photo can be a side view or some other pose that leaves you some privacy. Just get one and plaster it everywhere!

I don't care what an author looks like, I just want to see them. I want to see the guy or gal behind the curtain, the one who makes the magic happen on the page. I get frustrated when I can't find a photo of an author. I get frustrated when I Google them and nothing comes up. The last thing we want is to frustrate our readers!

Build your brand and they will come!

To Do: Comb through your social accounts, blogs, websites and create a consistent look and theme to your online presence. Google yourself, what comes up? Sometimes I find old accounts I forgot about it. You are in control of your brand, make it personal and vibrant!

Jennifer Lynn Alvarez
author of The Pet Washer
a novel for children aged 8 and up!


  1. An interesting post. I will attempt to follow your tips, thank you.


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