Friday, April 6, 2012

Day 89--Where Her Magic Happens

The business of being an author requires a computer, writing time and writing space. In an ideal world, an author has a private computer, a private workspace and uninterrupted writing time.


Unless you live alone, you probably have to share. I wrote a post about my workspace called, "Where The Magic Happens." My family leaves toys and clothes in my office. They crash my computer with their video games. They run  in and out of the room when I'm writing and forget to shut the door. They read over my shoulder. They ask me thousands of questions and they interrupt my writing to do homework, write bids or write their own novels.

Yep, there's another writer in the house. She's about four and a half feet tall, red-haired and just celebrated her 11th birthday. How can I say no to  her when she wants to work on her novel, Skygazer? I can't. I will never discourage another writer, especially my own daughter.

At the same time, two authors shouldn't share a workspace. I came up with a solution. I bought a solid wood desk off Craigslist for $75.00. With some help, I filled the wood and sanded it. 

My husband is a painting contractor (how convenient). He sprayed it and we set it up in her room as a surprise. The second piece of this plan was getting a computer. I saw no reason to buy a computer just for word processing, not when people can't give old computers away. Her grandmother had an old one and we gave it to my daughter as part of the surprise. My mom and I took her shopping, while my husband and step-father set it up in her bedroom.

Walla! Now she has her own workspace and a private computer. (Don't let her face fool you, she loves the desk. She does not love having her picture taken). She has it better than I do because I still have to share with my husband and two sons. It's a step in the right direction though.

I need as much computer time as possible to promote The Pet Washer and write more books.

To Do: Get creative about solving your computer, writing space or writing time issues. Solving my daughter's problem, also solved mine.

Jennifer Lynn Alvarez
Author of The Pet Washer
a novel for children aged 8 and up!

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