As you can imagine, I looked forward to the review with anticipation! It came out on April 18, 2012. Here is a portion of the review. To read the rest, please this link to my review at Kid Lit Reviews.
"The Pet Washer is carefully built, layer by layer without rushing to the end. There are a mere 190 pages to the story, and it is a fast read, yet it never felt rushed. The plot unfolded in its time and each scene built upon the last. The characters are easy to rally around, even when they are meant to be the bad guy. Bad is never so bad in The Pet Washer. Parents can give their child this book and never worry they might read something terrible or nightmarish. There is some humor, but mostly this is about pre-teen angst, friendships, and privilege."
To have my book so lovingly and thoughtfully described is pure joy to me!
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ReplyDeleteThank you for recommending Kid Lit Reviews so highly. I greatly appreciate it and the link back to the review policies so other writers can get there so easily.
It is nice to see an author concerned about other writer's and their needs. That is one thing about your sites that make this site a great community.
Again, thank you.
Sue Morris
Kid Lit Reviews