Friday, March 23, 2012

Why I Give My Book Away

I give away copies of The Pet Washer to school libraries, charity events and to book reviewers. Not all people are aware that authors have to purchase their own books. Even if the publisher gives an author 50 "free" copies, the expense comes out of the book's profits, thus reducing the author's royalty. The product cannot be created for free, nor can it be obtained for free by its creator. That's the truth of it.

I give books to school libraries and charity events for altruistic and marketing purposes. I believe in investing in children and helping the community. I also enjoy spreading good will and introducing more readers to a book that I believe will enrich their lives.

Reputable, professional book reviewers also get free books from me. I either send The Pet Washer as an ebook or in paperback format. It can take months to get the reviews back, but they are worth it. As authors, we can only toot our own horn so much. There is no better marketing than the recommendation of a respected reviewer or review website.

However, I like to think outside the box and I encourage you to do the same. I have a friend who writes a family and education orientated blog. She is not a book reviewer and her site is not about kindles and ebooks and 99 cent sensations. She writes about enriching family life. I gave her a copy of The Pet Washer and asked if she'd review it. She did!

Think about the people you know and the websites you frequent. They don't have to be book related. Think of the website's audience. Might they be interested in your mystery, thriller, romance, cookbook or family book? For instance, there are women who blog about being a single mom. Maybe you've written a cookbook about creating fast, healthy meals--ask the site to review it! Maybe you know of a blog about the outdoors and you've written a rock-climbing thriller--ask them to review it! They already have the readers who will love your book!

We have to keep in mind our readers. Where are they? What websites do they frequent. Think outside the box!

Here is the review of The Pet Washer by Heather. 

"I recently read a sweet little book called "The Pet Washer" by Jennifer Alvarez.  It was light hearted and delightful and full of good story line and relationships.  I really enjoyed how the main character was blind and completely capable.  The author never directed the reader to "feel sorry" for her or to "make her a hero" She was blind and lived her felt good to read it and let it be. There were good lessons in there about being a real friend, and learning that not everyone who offers to help or compliments you is a friend. As I read the book, I thought, "This is an awesome book for girls.  Lot's of fun stuff about pets and parties and dresses", but there are great male characters as well.  I didn't really think about them until I saw my 9 year old son devouring the book under our baby grand piano. He likes to "hide" there and read and read and read.  He loves this book, so there's something in it for the guys as well.  I highly recommend that you buy this book and enjoy some light and refreshing literature.  I'm recommending it to my book club!"

PLEASE help me and click on the link. There is a little "VOTE" button under my review. I would be thrilled if you'd give my review a vote so that more people see the article! Please leave me a comment and your Amazon product page and I'll LIKE your book on amazon as a thank you!!  

To Do: Surf the net and your contacts--find a website or a blog that may have readers for your novel. Approach them with a friendly, professional letter and offer a free copy of your book in return for a review. Good luck!

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